QML / C++ best practice

Michael T. Wagner
2 min readJan 3, 2021


Here are some hints what to do and not to do from my experience when creating QML applications with C++ backend, also see the “official” qt best practice page

Command Query Segregation :

Functions that change state should not return values and functions that return values should not change state.

see http://cqrs.nu/Faq/command-query-responsibility-segregation


  • declare readonly attributes in C++ & bind to them in QML
  • use Q_INVOKABLEs for actions which change state like this ctrl.actionWhichChangesX(42)


  • set C++ attributes from QML like this ctrl.x = 42

Signal names:

reflect events, something that has happened, so write in past tense


  • signals:
    void stageCleared(…)


  • signals:
    void clearStage(…)

Binding model properties to interaction elements

If you want to bind a model property directly to a UI element which is used to edit this property, e.g. a line edit there’s a problem that the binding gets lost when editing has finished.

TextField {
text : myModel.myTextProperty
onEditingFinished : controller.setMyTextProperty(text)

There are several solutions for this, you can for example reestablish the binding after editing using Qt.binding like this:

onEditingFinished: {
text = Qt.binding(function() { return myModel.myTextProperty }

or dont bind at all but work with an additional property like this :

TextField {

property string myText : myModel.myTextProperty
onMyTextChanged: text = myText
onEditingFinished : controller.setMyTextProperty(text)

Debugging broken bindings

set QT_LOGGING_RULES=”qt.qml.binding.removal.info=true”



Michael T. Wagner
Michael T. Wagner

Written by Michael T. Wagner

CTO and Co-Founder @ipolog.ai & synctwin.ai, creating clever solutions for smart factory

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